an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

How Sekolah Dunia
works wonders for you

The Unconventional Online Islamic School
by traveling worldschooling teachers!

What activities at Sekolah Dunia like?

Uncover the daily adventures that await your child
Five New Topics Released as Recorded Courses Each Month

Students will explore and complete one new topic per subject at their own pace, with tasks to submit and projects to work on.

Monday Live Class with a Worldschooling Teacher

Every Monday (GMT +8), connect with Worldschooling Teachers from around the globe for live discussions and diverse perspectives.

Additional classes scheduled in the calendar

Check the calendar for updates on extra online classes, especially on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Highlights include Palestine Awareness, Live Tour Classes, and more!

Advance to the next level by completing weekly tasks

Each topic in every subject includes challenging tasks to discover and complete. Successfully finishing these tasks can help upgrade your level, as they are discussed by teachers and friends

Each topic includes 2 levels of tasks

Level 1 is for 8 to 9-year-olds, while Level 2 is for 10 to 12-year-olds. Bonus questions are available for the oldest age group (12). Students can discuss the tasks after submission.
Want to complete them all? No problem!

Bonus materials are coming soon!

Bonus materials, including printable busy books, extra worksheets, 3D models, timelines and secret challenges, will be available soon!

They have the best Worldschooling Teachers of All Time!

How Do We Keep track?

Teachers will review all tasks submitted by students and engage with them, either during live sessions or through the website.

Students' responses will be evaluated based on their understanding and knowledge. Every three months (one term), teachers will send a report to parents, along with a semester project that students are required to complete.

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4





Ready to Enroll Sekolah Dunia?

You didn’t come this far to stop.
Join our unconventional school
to empower your child's Muslim mind!